‘Let Them Die’: Fairfax NAACP Leader Speaks Against Anti-Critical Race Theory Parents

People listen to speakers during a rally against "critical race theory" (CRT) being taught

“Let them die,” Fairfax County NAACP First Vice President Michelle Leete said about people against her leftist ideology during a speech to protesters at Luther Jackson Middle School Thursday evening.

Parents and concerned citizens had gathered in Fairfax, Virginia, prior to a school board meeting to protest Fairfax County Public Schools teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT), while others had come to support CRT and the LGBT agenda in schools. It was the final meeting before the school board’s summer break.

Leete spoke to supporters of CRT, saying:

So let’s meet and remain steadfast, steadfast, in speaking truth, tearing down double standards, and refuting double talk. Let’s not allow any double downing on lies. Let’s prepare our children for a world they deserve. Let’s deny this off-key band of people that are anti-education, anti-teacher, anti-equity, anti-history, anti-racial reckoning, anti-opportunities, anti-help people, anti-diversity, anti-platform, anti-science, anti-change agent, anti-social justice, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-children, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-environment, anti-admissions policy change, anti-inclusion, anti-live-and-let-live people. Let them die. Don’t let these uncomfortable people, don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward.


Leete is also vice president of communications for the Fairfax County Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), vice president of training for the Virginia PTA, and according to her LinkedIn, a federal employee at the U.S. Capitol.

Parents were protesting CRT being taught in Fairfax County Public Schools in a “Stop CRT Rally.” The event flyer stated, “It’s not about race or equity, it’s about a Communist Radical Takeover of America!”

While the original event focused solely on CRT, counter-protesters, including Leete, came to show their support for CRT and LGBT causes.

Harry Jackson has three children in the Fairfax public school system. He stood against Leete and her supporters, telling Breitbart News, “We should not be using tax dollars to support this [CRT] ideology. That’s toxic. That’s creating divisions based on race within the community. It has no place.”

“My youngest daughter is a five-year-old. Like other parents, when I take her to the playground, she doesn’t see race. She just sees other kids and she wants to make a friend and she wants to play and have games. She doesn’t see race. Why would I poison her childhood and her upbringing by teaching her to see things through a racial lens? It has no place,” Jackson said.

Fairfax County Public Schools came under fire last month after a graduation speaker urged students to remember their “jihad.”


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